Occupy Outer Space - Arecibo Mike - 3021: Family

Family: a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation

I belive this definition is the most helpful for this assignment. My first thought was to look to reddit for communities centered around a pracitce, interest, or belief. Some are innocent jokes like r/BreadStapledToTrees with 290 thousand members, and r/BirdsWithArms with 448 thousand members. Others are conspiracy-based like r/MandelaEffect (204k) and r/SimualtionTheory (29k). Some are niche fetishes like r/sexybionicles (5.3k). Most I feel are too inappropriate to mention.

Two I found partculary interesting are r/Giraffesdontexist (200k Believers) and r/BirdsArentReal (368k) which appears to be comprised of people who are pretending to believe that these animals don't exist in order to make fun of actual conspiracy therorists. r/BirdsArentReal say that birds work for the borgeoisie, which leads me to belive that it's a community of Marxists. r/Girrafesdontexist claims that drawings of giraffes in children's books are propaganda used to brainwash the youth. r/Girrafesdontexist is so popular that a counter-culture of giraffes believers was created called r/Giraffesarereal.

I was looking for a family that was a little less ironic, so I decided to step away from reddit and I found a video about the Blue Fugates. The Blue Fugates were a group of people from the hills of Kentucky who had blue skin due to a genetic disorder called methemoglobinemia that causes low oxygen levels in the blood. They originated form a single couple in the early 1800s that both carried a recessive gene resulting in for of their seven children to have blue skin. Throughout the next 200 years, there would be periodically be sightings of blue people in Kentucky. When doctors saw them, they often thought that it was casued by some environmental factor, like copper or silver in the drinking water. Ironically, Fugates can be cured with a blue dye called methylene blue which oxygenates blood.

The Blue Fugates are an actual exteneded family; however, blue people aren't an isolated incident. A man named Paul Karason became a Blue Fugate in his forties after using silver as a form of alternative medicine.

The Blue Fugates are an actual exteneded family; however, blue people aren't an isolated incident. A man named Paul Karason became a Blue Fugate in his forties after using silver as a form of alternative medicine.

My family idea word vomit: 1950s idealistic futurism. Enviromental causes of deformaties, Radiation Nuclear Family, Cult of Surburbia? Levittown. Redlining. Forcefully irradiate people as part of their cult? Dungeons and Dragons Character Stat Sheet. One of the kids is just a blob of irratiated ooze with pacifier. Patriarch has had all of is skin irradiated off, but still wears a tie.